Chief Executive Officer
Greg Siokas
Greg Siokas has over 20 years of experience in the pharma industry. He has worked in a variety of sectors. His vision of this multinational model of continuous progress and innovation is the basis of for organizational growth. Greg Siokas has a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and a Master’s degree in Management and Finance from the University of Stuttgart and the University of Tuebigen, Germany.
Independent Director & Audit Committee
Dr. Anastasios Aslidis
Dr. Anastasios Aslidis has been the CFO, Treasurer and a member of the BoD of EuroDry. He is also member of the BoD, Treasurer and CFO of Euroseas since Sep‘05. He also served as consultant to the BoD of shipping companies (public and private) advising on strategy development, asset selection and investment timing. Dr. Aslidis holds a Ph.D. in Ocean Systems Management from the MIT, M.S. in Operations Research and M.S. in Ocean Systems Management also from the MIT, and a Diploma in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens.
Independent Director (M&A)
Dr. Manfred Ziegler
Dr. Manfred Ziegler has served as a CFO in Eurobike AG, Haring Service Company AG, CRO and Managing Director in Maha Maschinenbau Haldenwang GmbH & Co KG, Managing Director in Rhonsprudel Group, Managing Director and Managing Partner in CC Pharma GmbH and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of R+S AG. Dr. Manfred Ziegler studied at the University of Mannheim (Business Administration), and he is also Chairman of the Advisory Board of WOCO Group and Hoepfner Brau Friedrich Hoepfner Verwaltungsges. mbH & Co KG.
Independent Member
John Hoidas
On November 18, 2016, John J. Hoidas was appointed as a member of the Board of Directors of Cosmos Health. Mr. Hoidas is a registered broker dealer. John J. Hoidas began working on the floor of the CME in 1989 as a runner and by 1995 started trading the S&P 500 and GSCI Index Futures for 9 years. In 2004, he transitioned to wealth management at American Express Financial Advisors which spun off to Ameriprise. In 2010, he joined Kingsbury Capital & began raising money for late-stage pre-IPO companies such as Organovo (ONVO), Invivo Therapeutics (NVIV) and Matinas BioPharma (MTNB) to name a few. John previously served as a Senior Vice President at Uhlmann Price. At Uhlmann Price Securities, he has raised capital for startups such as Video Gaming Co; Gazillion, Inc., Liquidspace, and Revel Systems.
Independent Member
Demetrios Demetriadis
Born in Nicosia, Cyprus (1965). Served in the Cyprus Army for 2 years (1983-85). Graduated from Indiana University of Pa with a double major in Finance and Marketing (1990). Graduated from Duquesne University with an MBA (1993). Employed in the Banking Industry in Cyprus for 7 years (1994-2000). Mr. Demetriades, age 48, has been Director of Highlander Spring Trading Ltd, a trading company. From November 2000 to December 2002 he was Marketing Director of Eurolink Securities Ltd which was involved in trading in the Cyprus Stock Exchange. From January 1995 to November 2000 he was Supervising Officer of Laiki Factors Ltd, a financing company. As a member of the board, Mr. Demetriades contributes the benefits of his trading, executive leadership and management experience.
Independent Member
Suhel Bhutawala
Suhel Bhutawala has over 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. He has worked in different sectors such as: Community Pharmacies, R&D department of Pharmaceuticals and is currently working as a commercial director at Cosmos Health Inc subsidiary Decahedron Ltd, UK since 2017. Suhel has Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy and Master of Science degree from King's College, London.


Chief Executive Officer
Greg Siokas
Greg Siokashas over 20 years of experience in the pharma industry. He has worked in a variety of sectors. His vision of this multinational model of continuous progress and innovation is the basis of for organizational growth. Greg Siokas has a Bachelor’s degree in Geology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and a Master’s degree in Management and Finance from the University of Stuttgart and the University of Tuebigen, Germany.
Chief Financial Officer
George Terzis
George Terzis oversees all Cosmos’ financial functions. Prior to this role, George has served as an Executive Consultant to several multinational advisory firms where, he achieved commitments of more than €50 mil of funding to numerous investments in various industries. George holds an MBA from Alba Graduate Business school and a BSc in Financial Management from University of Attica, and he is certified as an independent valuator of corporations and private investments by the European Commission.
Chief Operating Officer
Nikos Bardakis
Mr. Bardakis was the National Sales Director for Servier Hellas, a multinational pharmaceutical company specializing in the areas of Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System and Metabolic diseases, where he led a cross functional client focused team comprised of Sales, Trade, Marketing and Business Development personnel, managing over 130 employees. He gained international exposure, participating in several boards and meetings focused on European level design and launch projects, pioneering in international operations. Mr. Bardakis received a BS in Finance from American College of Greece along with relevant studies in Natural Sciences.


Panagiotis Zoumboulakis
Panagiotis Zoumboulakis is an associate professor and Head of the department of Food Science and Technology of the University of West Attica. He holds a degree and Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Patras (GR) and an MBA from the Athens University of Economics and Business (GR). From 2008 to 2020, he held a position as a Researcher and Principle Investigator at the Institute of Chemical Biology of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) and from 2015 is a visiting professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly. His scientific fields of interest are focusing on the design and analysis of bioactive compounds. He has a scientific track record of 130 peer review scientific publications and 26 national and European grants, 10 of which as a coordinator and/or Principal Investigator. He has working experience in marketing innovation, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, focusing on the start-up ecosystem.
Vassos Efthymiadis
Born in Thessaloniki in 1972, Mr. Vasos Efthymiadis is a graduate of the American College "Anatolia" (1990) and holds a B.Sc. in Industrial Economics from the London School of Economics (1993) and M. Sc. in Shipping, Trade and Finance from City University (1994). Mr. Efthimiadis is the CEO of K&N Efthimiadis ABEE, one of the largest companies in the Greek area in the field of agricultural supplies, founded in 1935 and having developed a significant business activity in most countries of Southeast Europe. In addition, he is the Vice President of Raidestos Agrotechnology Group, a business entity with diverse activity around agriculture and dealing with agricultural inputs, research and development of reproductive material, laboratory services related to food hygiene and safety, environmental services and the production of quality food through formalized agriculture. Alongside his business interests, Mr. Efthimiadis is actively involved in a number of industry associations and educational institutions that aim to promote economic and business development.
Anastasios Tzikas
Mr. Anastasios Tzikas is an Electrical Engineer graduate from the Faculty of Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

He is the President of TIF-HELEXPO, from 2011 until today, of Technopolis Thessaloniki ICT Business Park S.A. and of Exhibition Research Institute.

He is the Vice President of the Federation of Industries of Greece, member of the BoD of Thessaloniki Tourism Organisation and of the Metropolitan Organisation of Museums of Visual Arts of Thessaloniki – MOMus.

He has been one of the founders of the “Singular Northern Greece SA” and served as the CEO for the “Singular Northern Greece SA” and “Singular Software SA”, companies, the period between 1987 and 2004. During this period, he also served as the CEO of “Singular Bulgaria” and “Singular Romania”, as the Vice President of “Internet Hellas”, “Delta Singular Training Center” and as Executive Director and member of the BoD of “Delta Singular”.

He has also been exceptionally socially active by participating as a member in the Dialogue Committee appointed by the Greek Prime Minister for the Constitutional Revision and in the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art.

He has been nominated as Honorary President of the «Federation of Hellenic Information Technology & Communications Enterprises – SEPE», in which he served as President for 8 years and also Honorary President of «Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece – SEPVE» in which he served as President for 15 years.
Ioannis Dedes
Graduated from the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (1992). Specialised in Interventional Radiology-Oncology, at the University Clinic of Frankfurt, Germany, with Professor Th. Vogl (2000-2001). Attended training courses and seminars in Interventional Radiology, Chemoembolisation and Oncology (The Royal College of Radiologists- London; the European School of Interventional Radiology- Frankfurt and Heilbronn; the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre), in Germany, Britain, the USA and Greece. Since 2001 he has been the Head of Digital Angiography (Angioroom) at the Department of Interventional Radiology, Thessaloniki Interbalkan Medical Centre. He has a long experience and performs tumour transarterial chemoembolisation (TACE) and embolisation (TAE) using digital angiography. He also performs tumour radiofrequency ablation (RF Ablation) or microwave ablation (MW Ablation) under axial tomography guidance. These therapeutic interventions are unique in the private health sector in Northern Greece. Dr Dedes’ chemoembolisation success rates, with rare minor complications are – in some cases – higher than international standards. Dr Dedes has participated in most prestigious and internationally acclaimed conferences in Greece and abroad with numerous announcements and posters; His papers have also been published in prestigious international Radiology journals.
Peter Goldstein
Peter Goldstein is a seasoned executive and entrepreneur with more than 30 years as a C-suite executive for public and private companies. An expert in navigating the ever changing climate of Wall Street, Goldstein has emerged as an international voice for the evolving industry and has successfully launched several highly innovative companies amidst today’s disruption and shifting investment practices.

Goldstein is the founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Grandview Capital Partners, Inc., a specialized boutique investment bank that provides innovative financial services to select entrepreneurial emerging growth companies. He serves as managing director of Exchange Listing, LLC, which provides a myriad of services in the strategic planning and implementation of listing on a senior exchange, such as Nasdaq or NYSE, for private companies or those that are listed on alternate exchanges. He continues to usher entrepreneurial emerging growth businesses to their IPOs and SPACs that are uniquely positioned to access growth capital and global capital markets.
Cosmos Health Inc. Board Diversity Matrix
As of March 1, 2023
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